Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Galveston, oh Galveston, we still hear your sea winds blowin......

With literally nothing to do today, I still arose early, like 6:30 a.m. early, and set about the day. So Joan could sleep in a little I left the trailer about 7 a.m. and walked to both bays (see yesterday’s post for photos) and a total of about 3.5 miles for my work out today.
Joan doing the booga-booga at the center

I’m hoping to take my camera on my walk tomorrow so I can get some photos of some of the beautiful homes, and the not so beautiful homes along my exercise route. The difference is amazing.
The park mowed today, which improved the look of the park quite a bit.

After we cleaned up, we watched Joan’s soap opera, “Days of Our Lives,” and then decided to go and do a little reconnaissance in preparation for the visit of our family starting Friday. By driving to the Galveston Visitor’s Center today we will save some valuable time for Diane and Denny when they arrive.
After we picked up some suggestions for things to do we used a map given to us at the center and drove around the island a little to get acquainted with the layout of things.

We found some historic home tours, a tall ship, a ferry boat ride, a boat ride and several other potential things to do in Galveston when Diane and Denny are here. Because of the large choice of things, we will likely leave it to them to decide which events they would like to do as we will be here for 10 days after they leave and can go back and do things that maybe they don’t care so much to do.
Galveston had cleaned up pretty well after yesterday’s Mardi Gras activities on Tuesday. Joan did find a statue in the middle of Broadway that someone had put beads in the hand of so I walked out in the middle of the busy intersection to get a photo. (Scroll down after this post to see more photos including the one with the beads).

Visitor's center with Hurrican Hike high water mark from 2008
The 2008 Hurricane Ike left its mark on the area as there are still many buildings boarded up, boats left high and dry and high water marks on some buildings.
For a moment, which passed quickly, we thought about taking a short walk on the Galveston beach, but the winds were blowing hard and there was a lot of sand in the air and that plays havoc with Joan's contact lenses.
We finally picked up Joan’s prescription drugs, though it was not without a little difficulty. Once again when Joan went to pay for the drugs, because the insurance company declined to cover these drugs for a reasons way too long to explain here she again ran into a situation where the credit card company flagged her card

This is now the third time this has happened even though we have called and informed them we are traveling. What is really weird is that it never happens to my card. Joan plans an angry call to the credit card company tonight and then to the medical insurance carrier when we get home.
The Broadway  statue and her Mardi Gras beads
The only good thing was that the purchase of the drugs put us in the 20-cents off per gallon category at the Kroger gas pump. So I saved $4 on the tank of gas, which offset a $131 prescription drug purchase. Not a great deal, I have to admit.

Back at the trailer about 5 p.m. Joan whipped up a really good taco salad and we settled in for a night of whatever channels we can get on the antenna. Sort of channel roulette, if you will.
Tomorrow we plan to investigate a couple things for us to do with Diane and Denny around the Houston area. We are getting very excited about their arrival.

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