Friday, February 22, 2013

A lost camera and two quiet days

Imagine, because that's all you will be able to do for now, that this post is filled with beautiful photos from a 6-mile hike on the Gabe Zimmerman Trail today just south of Tucson.

Also picture a photo of five happy hikers walking through a concrete tunnel under the I-10 Interstate as we finished our great hike this morning.

Somewhere between the very end of the hike when I snapped a photo of the placard honoring Gabe Zimmerman (one of a number of people shot and killed during an assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabby Giffords) and arriving back at the trailer I lost my new camera.

I even drove back to the trailhead a couple hours after I arrived home and realized I lost my camera to see if it might have fallen out in the parking lot and maybe, just maybe, some honest soul had left it on a fence post at the parking lot.

But alas, no, it remains missing. My only hope is that I lost the camera in the park and that it has been turned into lost and found and I will get it back tomorrow.

If not, it will be off to Walmart to find a replacement.

Fortunately, the only photos on the camera were from the hike this morning as I cleaned the rest off yesterday and posted them on the blog.

But just to bring you up-to-date on Thursday we pretty much hung around the trailer and Joan did our weekly laundry. We had breakfast for dinner and the Internet guy showed up and told us they think they have our Internet issues fixed. We'll see.

On Friday morning I took the hike which resulted in the loss of my camera.

Tonight Joan made us a ham steak and twice baked potato for dinner and then we headed to the Voyager Resort Talent Show. The show is put together from talented folks in the park and was pretty good. Dancers, comedians (some pretty good) piano players and singers made the two-hour performance very enjoyable.

Of course without my camera I couldn't snap a photo of the three large men with bare bellies painted like faces (They were called "Bell Eye Brothers") dancing with large hats covering their real heads to the music of Colonel Bogey March. It was very funny.

Now imagine a beautiful picture of a glorious desert sunset.

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