Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A wash that almost cleaned me out

Today was one of those quiet days that probably doesn’t deserve a post, but something happened in the laundry that at least required a note.

On one of our previous trips (San Antonio, I believe) Joan was doing laundry and I noticed when she returned I was missing about six sets of my undershorts. It turned out she had left a dryer full of MY clothes back at the Laundromat. It has been a running joke since any time she does the laundry.
So this morning Joan was doing laundry and when she was ready to move the wet laundry from the three machines to the dryers she noticed that one of the washers she was using was empty of clothes.

Fortunately she saw a man leaving the laundry with his arms full of clothes – my wet clothes – and Joan just caught the man as he was leaving with not just my wet clothes but a washer full of someone else’s clothes as well.
Turned out the man was doing his laundry (this is a good example of why men should never do laundry) and was going to take them home to hang them out instead of drying them. He apparently got distracted by a conversation with someone else in the laundry and then just gathered up what he thought was his clothes and started to walk out.

Joan, ever vigilant about not losing my clothes again, saved the day.
I spent part of the day working on arrangements for the trailer when our time comes to an end her next month and I also went downtown to buy tickets for “Wicked” which is playing at the Tucson Music Hall this month.

We had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner. Temperatures are expected to moderate over the next few days falling back into the 70s. Bible study is tomorrow morning.

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