Saturday, February 23, 2013

It was a day to play caveman and cavewoman

Joan at Colossal Cave
As you already know I found my camera. So today we headed out so Joan could enjoy some time outside the park.

The trail I took yesterday was relatively flat, or as flat as anything is around here, so we headed back to the Gabe Zimmerman Memorial Trail so she could at least walk the first part of it. Joan loves to touch and feel things and of course she had to try and touch some needles on some cactus with the inevitable result.
We did about a half mile round trip on the trail, which is part of the 800-mile Arizona Trail.

The weather was cool, but not a cloud in the sky and it was really a beautiful day. When I went to take Joan’s photo on the trail the camera informed me, and not is a nice way, that I had forgotten to reinsert the memory card, which was 12-miles away back in the trailer.
So after the hike we returned back to the trailer to pick up the memory card and head to our next destination – Colossal Cave Mountain Park which is just a few miles from our resort.

Looking into the abyss
So with the memory card reinserted we headed back to Colossal Cave.
At the cave we decided to take the one hour cave tour, which was a challenge for Joan as it involves 363 steps in the dark cave. It is lighted so that isn’t a problem. Joan is short enough that most of the overhead obstacles are not a problem, not so with me.

The cave, which had been discovered by Native Americans centuries ago is a fairly recent (1800s) discovery by latter day Americans. The history of the cave including its use by gold bandits as a hideout, were all part of the tour.

Following the tour we ate our lunch at a picnic table overlooking a beautiful valley filled with Saguaro cactus.
The view from where I parked the car
On the way home we stopped by a Fry’s store that we heard was nicer and much easier to get in and out of then the one we have been using. The store was beautiful and we have decided that is our new shopping stop.

We arrived home tired, but ready to eat a dinner of leftover spaghetti and enjoy a quiet night at home.
There are more photos below.

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