Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A mudstorm visits us in Tucson

Here’s a little Tucson weather tidbit for you. When it rains following a dust storm, it pretty much turns into a mud storm.
Mountains have disappeared in the dust

During the night we had a pretty hard downpour, which brought much of the dust and dirt that was floating in the atmosphere down on top of my clean trailer and truck.
Hopefully we are done with any more desert spring storms until we leave because now I have to find a few hours to wash both the trailer and truck before we leave Sunday evening.

The dirt was so thick that you could not see any of the mountain ranges that encircle Tucson.

This morning I went to the Men’s Prayer Breakfast which I have previously missed because the hard hiking group met at the same time. We had a wonderful pancake breakfast and a time of study and prayer.
My dirt covered Tahoe
With everyone pretty much starting to depart this was the final breakfast so we spent some time lingering after the meeting saying our good byes. Many of the men were the same guys that were in my Thursday Bible study group. We plan on keeping in touch by e-mail over the summer and then getting ready for a next winter’s study.

Some of the men are dealing with serious health issues in their families or with themselves and so I have a couple folks to pray for when I get home.
Much of the rest of the day was spent starting the process of securing the trailer and deciding what goes home and what stays.

At 4 p.m. we headed out for a trip back to Mimi’s Café in Casa Grande with our friend’s daughter and her boyfriend, Chelsea and Ryan.
Not a great photo but our all white table is dirt covered.
We met them at 5:30 p.m. had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed some wonderful conversation with them. Unfortunately I had my camera in my pocket but completely forgot to take any photos.

All too soon our time was up and we said our farewells until we see Chelsea back in Michigan over the 4th of July weekend.

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