Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lord knows we tried to go to church

Sometimes you just have to give up. Today we had hoped to attend worship services at a local Anglican church. I found the address and time for St. Luke’s Anglican Church on their website, but then I found a different address and time for the same church on Facebook.

Joan enjoying her Elmore Leonard book in the shade
I left an e-mail at the church and tried to call the number listed, but was only able to leave a message.
Because the addresses were close we went to the address with the earlier time, but discovered that OnStar took us to the wrong address, so we headed to the other site which was the later time (12:30 p.m.) When we arrived there we discovered they were supposed to meet in a room inside a Lutheran church.

People at the church told us that this was where the Anglican church met, but we waited until the service time, but no one showed up so we left and drove to the correct address of the earlier service only to find no service there either.
So there we were all dressed up with nowhere to go. So we just thanked the Lord for a wonderful day and a successful trip so far and called it a day. We’ll listen to our Flint pastor’s sermon later online.

I was up early (but not as early as usual) but still had time to get in a workout and then time to shower before our unsuccessful journey to find a church. Next week we’re just going to try the non-denominational services here at the park.

On the way home from our church trip we stopped and did a couple errands at Walmart and Starbucks. The errand at Starbucks involved getting a pound of the Starbucks coffee that we brought with us ground.
I'm reading my Shaara novel under the awning
Yesterday was another quiet day in the park. I started the day with a workout, we finished organizing the trailer (you wouldn’t think it would take 3 days to organized a living space 33-feet by 8-feet).

I opened up the awning and let it dry out in the Arizona sun. If I don’t do that once in a while we can get mildew on the canvas. After the chores were done we sat outside (under the awning part of the time) reading books. We also met a couple of our neighbors.
Joan made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner and then we got dressed for one of the two weekly dances here in the park.

The “Two’s Company” dance was fun and despite the joke I made yesterday about the ages in the park, many of the more senior folks here are pretty dedicated dancers. The man and woman who provided the music were excellent and played tunes that anyone from my generation would recognize and be able to dance to.
We meet three new couples at the dance at our table. One couple, originally from Kansas, are full time Rvers, another couple was from Colorado and another couple was from Alberta, Canada. Everyone here is very nice and welcoming.
See, I'm actually happy in a photo

On Saturday morning after my work out, I spent about an hour and a half walking the park logging down license plate states. So far I haven’t even covered half the RV park and these are the locations of the license plates residing here so far.
Canadian provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Quebec  and Saskatchewan.

States in the park:  Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
I’m sure I will find the rest before we leave here. Tomorrow we are off to find the winter home of the Sand Hill Cranes.

Sunday afternoon we watched football along with much of the rest of the country. (By the way, you see three reading pictures because even though I took my camera to the dance last night I forgot to take any pictures.)

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