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Jeff looking up at the B-29 tail gunner's spot |
If we have learned anything from our trips to Arizona is
that the clock spins much faster when we have company. At our age, time is
speeded up anyway, but when we have friends or family here it seems like the
clock is spinning out of control.
We sister Pam and my brother-in-law Jeff flew in on Tuesday,
March 17th for a week’s stay with us. Hard to believe but yesterday
they flew home after an 8-day stay in Arizona that flew by at NASCAR speed.
Because we have done many of the tourist things already we
don’t do much touring in between the visits of friends and relatives so our
activity level increases considerably when we have company. It helps that we
have some of the best friends and family on the planet.
After picking Pam and Jeff up at the airport we headed back
to the resort to check them into their rental Casita. Unfortunately there was a
mix up on the reservation and the Casita Pam and Jeff had rented, which happens
to be directly across the street from our space was not available.
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A Tucson sunset in the park |
They were moved to a Casita a block away, but after my
sister worked her magic at the front desk with the manager she scored a $350
savings to make up for the inconvenience created by the resort’s error. The
huge savings left my sister and brother-in-law with a good feeling.
We did a little walking tour of the resort and then we all
went to the Tuesday potluck with a couple pies put together by Joan in advance.
My sister and brother-in-law are friendly people are folks warmed up to them
right away with another couple who had lived in West Virginia previously
sitting with us and talking everything “West “by God” Virginia.”
During our walking resort tour, Jeff spotted three javelinas
playing in the water hazard at the little golf course here at the resort. I’ve
heard of javelinas in the park, but this is the first time I witnessed it with
my own eyes. Jeff witnessed it again later and took photos.
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Javelinas in the park (Jeff photo) |
On Wednesday, Joan and Pam went to Aquacise and then we
headed up to Sabino Canyon for lunch and a walk. The weather was warm, but we
had some drizzly rain, which is good for Arizona but not nice for someone who
has come a long way to get out of bad weather. The rain didn’t dampen our day
or restrict us in any way. One special moment was when the driver of the tour
dram spotted a gila monster crossing the road in front of our tram and we got
to see it crawling across the road.
Gila monsters are incredible vicious when approached (which
we didn’t) and have a nasty, venomous bite. This is the first time we have seen
one in the wild.
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Jeff and Pam in Sabino Canyon |
Thursday brought more cloudy skies, but the rain held out
long enough for us to make a trip to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, after my
morning Bible class, where we caught the animal show in the auditorium and the
free raptor flight show outdoors. The cooler temperatures brought out the
coyotes, javelinas, and other critters we often don’t see at the museum.
We did dodge a pretty good rainstorm which hit just after we
left the park about 4 p.m. Some of the
photos that Jeff and Pam took with the storm in the background are spectacular.
I will post some of them in a separate post below this one in the coming days.
After arriving back at the resort we attended the resort’s
end of the year luau and barely got there in time to get what little food was
left for sale in the ballroom. We were waiting in the pulled pork sandwich line
when that offering ran out, we moved to the hamburger line and barely got one
of those.
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A raptor with a desert storm in the distance |
Friday morning broke bright and early and Jeff and I headed
to the Pima Air and Space Museum while the ladies when to the Aquacise class in
the pool. Jeff made an amazing discovery about his father’s aircraft while we
were there, but I’m letting him share the surprise with others before I recount
the blessing here. Jeff’s father was a tail gunner on a B-29 out of Guam at the
end of World War II and was on the very last bombing mission over Japan when
the Japanese surrender was announced.
Jeff brought his Dad’s log book with him to the museum and
captivated a couple docents with his father’s entries, including the last one
which said “The War is Over.” After our trip to the museum we returned to the
resort, picked up the ladies and headed to the Fourth Avenue Craft Fair in downtown
Joan and I eat our diet cookies for breakfast and lunch, but
Pam and Jeff took advantage of some of the roach coaches that were on hand for
the fair and had some of the local fair. Some of those botulism wagons cook up
some pretty good food.
After lunch Joan and Pam spotted an “adult” store and while
Jeff and I sheepishly remained outside the two of them went inside to check it
out. Fortunately, the didn’t buy anything inside the store.
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Not going in there |
We walked around the fair for a few hours and then returned
back to the resort where we had a delicious crock pot chicken dinner. We
watched a beautiful sunset and turned in early as Saturday was planned as an
early start.
Pam’s friend Becky lives in the Tucson area and had invited
us down for breakfast in Bisbee and to a local street fair there. This is the
first year of the Americana street fair in Lowell, which is next door to Bisbee
and Becky and her husband, Pete, live near there in Sierra Vista.
After a great breakfast (we were also joined by friends of
Becky and Pete’s) a retired Army colonel and his wife and son who is undergoing
Army officer training at Fort Huachuca.
We walked up and down the street looking at the old cars and
then headed back to Bisbee where Pete gave us the grand tour of the town. Pete
lived in Bisbee during his formative school years and knows the ins and outs of
this historic old copper mining town which is just about 15 minutes north of
the Mexican border.
After returning to the resort we enjoyed a wonderful prime
rib dinner at the Bar and Grill. After
dinner we went to the free Pickleball dance in the ballroom Saturday night. My
sister got to dance with her husband twice during her visit here.
On Sunday we attended the resort worship services with Pam
and Jeff and then while they sat around the pool for a couple hours Joan and I
watched Michigan State finish off a big win against Virginia in the NCAA
basketball tournament and then watch the Detroit Red Wings defeat the St. Louis
Blues in overtime in the nationally televised hockey game. Now that’s a good
start for a day.
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The Bisbee bunch in Bisbee |
After that we went to the Mexican league baseball game and
Pam and Jeff can now confirm that the only English word we could understand was
“Budweiser.” It was a fun afternoon with
great weather. On the way home we stopped at Costco (Pam and Jeff are members)
and purchased four thick, juicy steaks and brought them home and grilled them
outdoors for dinner. We watched another beautiful sunset and visited on our
Joan and Pam went to aquacise on Monday morning and then we
headed to Catalina State Park in the afternoon for a hike. We did a one-mile
birding trail and then a .75-mile ruins trail on a pretty warm afternoon. We
spotted a horned toad, some quail and I briefly spotted a long snake moving
across the trail in front of us. That is the first snake I have seen in Arizona
in the wild since I’ve been hiking here.
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A friendly horned toad on the ruins trail |
The ruins of the Hohokam tribe were interesting. That was a
first for all of us.
After touring we returned to the resort had dinner in the
Bar and Grill again and then took in the “Broadway Magic” show in the ballroom.
The resort women’s choir and men’s chorus did a number of tunes from Broadway
plays and the bell choir entertained just before and just after intermission.
The evening ended with all of the crowd singing “76
Trombones” and we ended the evening by walking home to our residences from the
concert. It is very convenient to live in a place where you can walk to
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A ceremony for Mike was here |
After our short ceremony we headed to the hotel where Pam
and Jeff were staying near the airport and then went to the Tucson Botanical
Gardens where we toured the gardens for about two hours before heading to
dinner at Hotel Congress in downtown Tucson.
Hotel Congress is famous because the infamous gangster John
Dillinger stayed there one weekend while on the run from the law. We had a
wonderful dinner at Cup Café, which was a new experience for all of us. That
one brief visit by Dillinger has turned into a cottage industry and an annual
weekend festival for the City of Tucson. So far our visits here have not
created anything like that buzz.
After dinner, and not quite ready to say good bye, we headed
to a Dairy Queen where we enjoyed a tasty cold treat before heading back to the
hotel where we said our farewells and left Pam and Jeff so they could get a
good night’s sleep before their flight back to civilization.
I watched Wednesday morning as Pam and Jeff’s flight flew by
the resort on its way to Dallas and the connecting flight to Baltimore and felt
let down that our company was gone. I waved at the plane, but I later learned
they didn’t see me. I got in a workout,
we went to the last Market Days of the season and then later that evening we
went to “American Made,” another Lonely Street Production. This show was a
tribute to the Statler Brothers and the Oakridge Boys and included some great
gospel singing as well.
The arc of our trip is increasingly bending towards
departure and we both have much to do before that time comes in a couple weeks.
In thinking about Pam and Jeff’s visit we are thankful that
we have both friends and relatives who are so easy to entertain and be with.
They say you can’t pick your relatives, but we decided even if we had to pick
we would be very happy choosing the relatives that we have.
On Thursday, I attended both the Men’s Bible Study in the
morning and then the coed Bible Study that night. I have made some very good
friends through these studies. The weather has turned hot here and the 94 on
Friday nearly set an all-time high mark for the city. More hot weather is on
tap, but things cool rapidly in the evening and we went to a dance Friday night
with Albert Galli – the last dance of the season.
As much as we enjoy our time here we are starting to feel
the gravitational pull of Michigan. This will likely be the last post until we
start home on April 9, but that could change. If you scroll down from this post
over the next couple days I will add some photos that Pam and Jeff forwarded to
me. They are much better photogs than I am so you may appreciate those. I’ll
put one photo in there right now to hold a space so I can add the rest after I
resize them so I can download them.
Peace all and Go State!